Jul 6, 2024: Canada Falls – Class IV

K1: Artem Aleksashenko, Jeff Bickford, Jake Bordeau, Charlie Berliant, Devon Carter, Suzanne Cole, Gary Cole, Sean Green, Mark Nelson, Scott Nelson, Greg Winston, PPCS wannabe: Matt Parker
Shredder: Patti and Tom Rutka
OC1: John Brower, TC: Kenny DeCoste

With the threat of afternoon thunderstorms, 16 paddlers showed up for the first Canada Falls release of the summer season. While the temperature hovered around 80, the overcast skies kept the sun off our backs and made for a great day of paddling. The 500 cfs release is quite a bit less than the 750 cfs I’m used to. The first drops through the mini gorge were bonier than usual and made it challenging for the shredder to avoid the rocks. Everyone had good runs on all the drops, minus a capsize and 2 portages on the Slide. The TC finally managed to stay out of “Kenny’s corner”- the frothy pool below the drop on split decision on river left- and succeeded to redeem himself on this run. A few other boats circulated through the “corner” without mishap. On the second to last drop where most of us skirt the river-wide hole by a zig zag route on the far left shore, the skies opened up and rain poured down in buckets. No lightening but water ran down the front of my hydroskin which finally chilled me. While we retrieved the vehicles at the put in, the sun returned to dry us out. Everyone was a very capable paddler which made my job very easy as TC. 5 paddlers headed home and 11 of us returned to Roll Dam for an afternoon run.