Jul 21, 2024: Dead River at 1800cfs

On Sunday, July 21, 2024 four intrepid paddlers comprised of 4 open boats- all canoes (!)-paddled the Dead River at 1800 cfs. It was a lovely day on the river, made especially nice with an eagle sighting downstream of Minefield. The water was warm, and the paddlers made good time downriver fully enjoying the perfect summer day. Lunch was enjoyed at Enchanted stream due to no issues along the way and the small nimble river group. One swim in Poplar Hill Falls interrupted the perfect day- this rapid is always challenging-however was more tolerable simply by the very warm river water, which is typical this time of year.  Our river group was strong and had a fabulous day paddling on an uncrowded river.  Lastly, it’s always good to practice safety on and off the river, including reviewing boat outfitting to ensure the whitewater craft can be rescued in any dump situation. Proper outfitting for an open canoe includes adequate airbags to displace water in the event of a capsize, and also bow and stern painters which allow boat rescue easier access and ability to tow the boat to shore.  The paddlers returned early enough to leave plenty of time to break camp and get on the road to return home, after enjoying light snacks and more sunshine and few bugs.  There is simply nothing better than a fabulous day paddling the Dead River with wonderful paddlers- this time all canoeists together.   Paddlers included: Donna Jean Kaiser (TC) – OC1, John Brower- OC1, Glen Widmer- OC1, Kevin Morrissey – OC1.

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