Apr 26-29, 2024: Machias River

We had exceptional weather, ideal water levels, and an absence of blackflies for our almost annual Machias River Trip.  Four Machias veterans participated:  Rick Farnsworth and Morgan Baxter in solo canoes and Ken Gordon and Ron Chase in expedition kayaks.  Due to multiple road closures, we decided on a four-day trip from about a mile above Carrick Rips to the Village of Machias.  Morgan shortened his trip by a day taking out at Smith Landing.  This was truly an exceptional expedition; great company, exceptional weather, perfect water levels and outstanding cooking by Rick and Morgan.  We styled all of the difficult rapids.

West Virginia/Pennsylvania Fall Trip

Participants – Ron Chase,  Ryan Galway – Shredder,  Kenney Decoster OC-1,  Craig Mckinnon OC-1,  Mason Galway C-1,  Sean Green K-1,  Tony Lepore K-1,  Chris Blauert K-1,  Robert Allen K-1,  Blil Blauvelt K-1.  This was the crew for the big run on the Lower Gauley.  We started the day by using the Hills to Hills Shuttle Service run by Adina Joy.  Adina did a great job taking care of all of our needs at a reasonable price.  We had such a great experience with her that we decided to use her all 4 days we were in the Fayetteville area,  and she even kept an eye out for us Saturday night so we didn’t get ticketed or towed downtown.  The Lower Gauley was an exhilarating experience.  We put in at a couple of rapids above the usual put in giving us a few rapids on the Middle Gauley which gave us a warm up.  Soon after we got into the meat of things and had a swim at Backender rapid.  Things continued along quite a while after that without incident.   We got into a groove and everybody was doing well until we had another swim at Upper Mash.  This one was on the longer side and we actually saw this rapid dump two different shredder teams that were not in our group.  After getting our swimmer to the eddy on the right at the bottom while catching his breath and shaking his head in disappointment his only response was,  “I got mashed.”  After collecting everyone we continued on to one final scary swim at the bottom of Pure Screaming Hell.  Every one made it through in good shape and slept well that night.

Following the Gauley events Bill and Bob headed home and Mason found a group at the campground to take on the Upper Gauley with.  The rest of us headed off to the New for a lower water run at -1 ft.  The last time I was here the level was 2 ft and things were significantly bigger!  This -1 ft made things more technical and less pushy than our excitement of the day before.  The New River Gorge is managed by the National Park Service and preserves a beautiful stretch of river with giant boulders and towering walls reaching over 1000 ft up on each side.  The warm water and sunny weather made for a great day and we almost finished without incident if it weren’t for a rapid near the end called Miller’s Folly.   At this point everyone was having a dry hair day and people began to try some nontraditional lines through some of the rapids.  A kayak entered Miller’s Folly on the right side and narrowly avoided being pushed up against an undercut on the right.  The canoe following was not so lucky and got plastered against the rock and the boat got pinned under the undercut rock.  We were unable to free the boat due to the dangerous spot it was in so the canoeist was forced to hitch a ride out on the shredder.  Following the takeout we headed to the visitor center to report the lost boat.  As we pulled into the parking lot we received a call from a ranger who told us someone had retrieved the boat.

Following this run Tony,  Chris and Sean headed home and Mason joined up for the retrieval run the next day.  All went well.  The boat had a rather large dent in it but other than that the rest of the gear was all accounted for.  After that run Ron bid us farewell.

The 4 of us returned for one more run on the New.  Mason scared us all with a daredevil slide down the put in stairs but made it without incident and the rest of the day was nothing but warm water and great views as we made our day down river.

After the New we drove northeast to the town of Ohiopyle PA.  We enjoyed two great days of boating on the lower Yough.  Mason ran the falls the first day and Bill Blauvelt joined back up with us for the day on Thursday.  We had some great surfing on swimmers and the waves below.  Bill challenged us all with some interesting creek lines and we even had one inconsequential swim at dimple rock rapid.

Friday we drove further north and east for the final run of the trip on the Lehigh.  Jake Bordeau met up with us and Kenny bid us farewell.  We suffered through the first rain of the trip on Friday and Saturday but the group was all smiles  with high sloshy water and warm temps.  All in all it was an amazing trip with great family and friends in a beautiful outdoor setting.  I am forever grateful to this club for making times like this possible.  Many thanks to all of the participants for joining me on this adventure.

Apr 27-29, 2023: Machias River

As usual, the spring Machias River trip came with an assortment of logistical problems.  And, although several people expressed interest, only Ken Gordon and I could connect all of the dots.  Gate closings prevented access to upper portions and bad weather left only a 3-day window of opportunity.  Ken and I persevered and met at Airline Rapids to run a shuttle to complete a trip from 3rd Lake to Holmes Falls.  For the first time in the 45 years I’ve been running the Machias, the Holmes Falls Road was gated.  Undaunted, we pivoted to a 3-day trip from the Airline to Smith Landing.  Our determination paid off as we had an excellent trip.  The weather and water level were outstanding.  We met a great group of six canoeists on day one and camped and navigated rapids with them throughout.  Ken and I used expedition kayaks and everything went well – another wonderful Machias trip.

Participants:  Ken Gordon and Ron Chase, TC

Oct 15-16, 2022: Moosehead Lake Surf & Turf

Participants: Adam Chase, TC Ron Chase
Adam and I had fabulous weather for the Moosehead Surf &Turf that included climbs of Mount Kineo and Little Kineo Mountain. Initially, I was looking for a two-day forecast with light winds. Unfortunately, several Chowderheads couldn’t make it on short notice. We launched from Kineo Landing in Rockwood and had an easy crossing to the foot of the mountain. The views of southern Moosehead from Indian Trail were phenomenal. The trail surface was wet due to heavy rains the previous day, so we decided to descend on the Bridle Trail. That was a mistake as the heavily eroded path was a virtual stream. From there, we paddled north along the island to Hardscrabble Campsite on the northwestern tip. After
setting up camp, we explored nearby Farm Island where there are three additional campsites. On Day Two, the lake was mirror calm for our crossing to Moosehead Public Lands on the east shore where we quickly found camp roads that led to the trailhead for Little Kineo Mountain. For a remote mountain, the trail was in exceptionally good condition. We encountered a series of steep ledges before reaching an overlook with an expansive view of central Moosehead. Soon after, we arrived at a rounded open ledge that is the highpoint. The calm conditions continued on our return to Hardscrabble Point and then Rockwood. Two hikers on Mount Kineo were the only people we met during our entire trip.

Apr 30 – May 4, 2022: Machias River

As anticipated, all of the necessary components for a spring trip on the Machias fell into place at the end of April and beginning of May.  The water level was moderately high, most of the roads were open, a quality five day weather forecast was predicted, ice was out on the lakes, and the dreaded blackflies had yet to appear.  Ken Gordon enthusiastically joined me but unfortunately several other interested Chowderheads were not able to participate during the narrow window of opportunity.  We decided on a trip from 3rd Machias Lake to Machias.  Ken and I both used expedition kayaks and they worked out great.  We enjoyed numerous wildlife sightings including a deer swimming near Holmes Falls and a young bear foraging along the shore above the confluence with Old Stream. Overall, it was a most excellent trip.  For more details, visit the Bangor Daily News link:  https://bangordailynews.com/2022/05/17/outdoors/paddling-maines-challenging-rivers-joam40zk0w/

Participants:  Ken Gordon and TC