Aug 20, 2022: Magalloway River @ 1200 cfs

Brent Elwell Trip Coordinator, K-1

Participants: Jean Miller K-1, John Brower OC-1, Connor Marland OC-1,  Chicago Man K-1

The group took a couple of runs on the Magalloway.  We were joined by a man from Chicago who was on a paddle tour of the Northeast.   He did fine, but I was surprised when he seal launched at the start with only hand paddles which served him fine.  The river was not crowded.  There were some great front surfing waves at this level.  To top the day off, we saw an eagle and osprey.

Jul 30-31: Roll Dam at 420cfs

July 30-31

The final weekend of July at Roll Dams included a small but spirited group of paddlers.  We did three runs on Saturday and two on Sunday, swapping boats and trying out new things.  There was a tandem canoe, a solo canoe, three kayaks, and two inflatable kayaks, and most of us paddled at least two different boats.  The weather was beautiful, and the bright sunshine inspired plenty of play in the waves and holes with lots of opportunity for rolling and swimming.  The drier weather and the breeze kept the bugs down to a dull whine.

Elliot Rappaport, Karen Merritt, Charlie Berliant, Erin-Kate Sousa, Nina Berliant, Genio & Ross Bertin, Helen Hess (TC)

Jul 27, 2022: Damariscove Island

Damariscove Island is one of the finest sea kayak trips on the Maine coast.  Mark Nelson joined me for a club trip on a hot summer day.  We paddled out against the tide with a gentle tailwind in calm conditions.  As is often the case, that changed when we reached ledges called The Motions at the southern end of Damariscove.  Large swells and breaking waves were encountered and continued part way into the cove.  We hiked to cliffs on the east side for lunch.  The swells entering the cove had diminished when we exited but navigating between a series of confusing surging waves was necessary.  The winds reversed and we enjoyed a tailwind for the remainder of our voyage.

Participants:  Mark Nelson and TC Ron Chase


Jul 24, 2022: Kennebec River – Carry Brook to West Forks

There were several trips on the second day of the Summer Picnic Weekend.  Nancy and I organized a paddle on the Kennebec from Carry Brook to West Forks.  New member Ken Stickney met us at the ballfield for the shuttle to Carry Brook where we met a sizeable contingent of Chowderheads who had finished the fish flow in the gorge.  The group consisted of an assortment of kayaks, canoes, and inflatable boats.  Everyone successfully navigated large waves in Big Black Rapid.  From that point, it was different strokes for different folks.  Some surfed and played while others floated and socialized.  The weather was superb, the water level excellent, and the company even better.  A great way to end a to an exceptional weekend!

Participants:  Ken Stickney, Deb Harris, Allan Fuller, Krea Galway, Shweta Galway, Ryan Galway, Reid Anderson, Mike Fask, and TCs Nancy Chase and Ron Chase

Jul 20, 2022: Malaga Island

Four of us met at Bethel Point Landing in Cundy’s Harbor to begin a trip to historic Malaga Island.  Conditions at Bethel Point have improved since my last visit.  Parking near the ramp is now allowed without a permit and a toilet has been installed.  Additional parking is still available nearby for a small fee.  We experienced easy paddling during our traverse through Ridley Cove and past West and East Cundy Points to Malaga.  After landing on the northern end of the island, we carried our boats up onto an ancient shell midden to protect them from the rising tide.  The island owner, Maine Coastal Heritage Trust, has erected a kiosk that provides a history of the island that relates the forced removal of poverty stricken inhabitants by the State of Maine at the beginning of the 20th Century.  They have also constructed a well-designed trail system that circumnavigates the island.  We hiked the entire trail including a spur that led to a scenic location on the rocks on the southwest end where we enjoyed a leisurely lunch.  Our return paddle was equally delightful.

Participants:  Bob Rowe, Andrea Reising, Bruce Weik, and TC Ron Chase