Oct 10, 2021: Porcupine Islands

Unpredictable winds and logistical issues made my first choice, a traverse from Seal Harbor to Bar Harbor, problematic.  So we opted for a circumnavigation of the Porcupine Islands.  It was good decision.  We launched at Bridge Street boat landing in Bar Harbor shortly after low tide and began our voyage on the north side of the islands with modest winds from the north.  The views were phenomenal in all directions.  An absence of cruise ships was not a disappointment.  After lunch on Burnt Porcupine, we navigated through the narrow channel between East Porcupine and The Hop before starting our return on the outer side of the island chain.  For the remainder of the excursion, we enjoyed continuous views of the mountains of Acadia National Park.  A changing wind from the southeast caused a little turbulence between Long and Sheep Porcupines; otherwise it was a calm yet exceptionally stimulating day of paddling.  I made it back to our very rustic motel room in time to watch the Red Sox win a playoff game.  In short, it was a great day.

Participants:  Ken Gordon, Eggman DeCoster and TC